
Prevalence is important medical information for the public, government agencies and medical researchers to have.

There are over 90,000 published medical PubMed articles where the word “prevalence” occurs in the title. This is alot of important information that is currently not collated in any one database or web-based information system for easy summarization and analysis.

As automation has benefited other industries, the ability to improve prevalence reporting in the medical arena should be realized. Automation would allow comprehensive prevalence information to be reported in near real-time using established and validated methods.

Goals of the Prevalence Project:

  • Automatically extracting prevalence information from the published literature.
  • Automatically deriving prevalence information from existing data sets.
  • Collating a comprehensive repository of prevalence information and statistics.
  • Disseminating prevalence information to the public and research communities.

Reasons for the Prevalence Project:

  • Improve the timeliness and scope of prevalence reporting
  • Reduce the energy and costs of manually reporting on prevalence
  • Provide a comprehensive repository for the world’s prevalence information 

A website has been setup to provide the final project: